Japan, October 2004

Not a clickable image map, but a quick guide to where my three weeks of sightseeing actually took place... Shortcuts to piccies below.


...After the attrition that was required to reduce the photo count down to 99 (for the "real life" album), I've reintroduced another 20 or so for the online version...

Tok Tokyo: October 16-21

Kyo Kyoto & festivals: October 21-23

Hir Hiroshima & Miyajima: October 23-25

Hak Hakata/Fukuoka & Nagasaki: October 25-28

Oka Okayama & Kurashiki: October 28-30

Tot Tottori, Higashi-hama & Matsue: October 30-November 2

Kob Kobe: November 2-3

Osa Osaka: November 3-5

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Boring legal gubbins:-
These pages are © R E Williams, aka "Fred", aka "FISHnet software" 2004.
Any resemblance between views expressed by me, and the views of Argonet, or whoever, are a bit of a spooky coincidence, really.